I was able to make some balloon hats for some of the children in our area on Saterday, and the neighbour kids on Monday. The first girl to the left is Gandy's 6 year old sister Bianka.With the little creole I know, I have been bonding with these 4 kids. Many of them show smiles but they are hurting inside from what they have seen. The more I spend time with them, the more they can trust, and share how they feel. Only God knows what will take place, but balloons for any age, anywhere seem to open doors of comunication.
I was able to visit one of the tent citieis on an old golf course in Delmas, 10 minutes from where I live. The camp started with about 5,000 people just a few days after the earthquake. In just two weeks there are about 50,000 homeless Haitians living in this small area. After three week, the sevier patients have been cared for. We are now seeing post stress trama and everyday colds, with some minor wounds, as well as Asthma from the dusty conditions It was so great to get out amoung the Haitian people. The golf course is protected by a group of 4,000"Airborne" (American military-who specialize jumping out of planes.) The rain is coming and our next concern is that it will bring a distruction. Water has only one way to go and that's down the hill. There will be water and mud in their make shift bed sheet homes, if they are lucky enough to not get washed away. There is also the chance of an epidemic out brake from a number of given sicknesses.
Numbers are slowly coming in, and there seems to be 1 out of 15 people that have died from the earthquake. I believe it is much higher than this because many are unaccounted for. The rubble and bodies are being burried at dump sites without being tagged, leaving their loved ones behind having false hope that one day they will return.
We have recieved at least 50 (Rotery International-TENT box shelters) Our goal is to distribute them to many of our families without homes. When we rebuild thier home the tent will be given to another family. However, there are risks with this. We recieved the tents from a group that tried setting them up but where being stoned because of unhappy Haitians not recieving one. We also set up a few tents previously next door and began to feed 50 people each night.
Stores are begining to open, as well as banks for us. Continue to pray for our health, team unity, safety, weather, knowlege on who and how to help our families in this area, and for all the Haitians that have lost loved ones, their home and everything they owned.
In His Service,
NOTER: Airborne picture taken from Time magazine
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